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In 1984 Cáitlín was walking down by the local river with her two dogs. She had 2 wonderful children, a husband, and a lovely home but she was not fulfilled. The questions Cáitlín asked herself was: ‘Why was I here on earth and for what purpose? This was mulling over her mind for around two years.


She explains that she had a type of what you would call depression and after dropping her children to school she goes on to explain...

I took my usual morning walk with my dogs. This brought me great peace, to hear the water, see the swans and ducks making their way up river and enjoying the heavenly sounds of nature. As I was nearing the first bridge (with no intention of throwing myself in) the thought struck me, in my heart and mind, ‘What was it all about and what was my purpose? Suddenly another thought came to me and I knew it was from God, “Do you want to go through me or do you want to go around me?  This was not an audible voice, but it was God speaking to me and I answered and said, “God, I want to go through you”. I knew at that moment in time, I had surrendered my whole life to God. I was not the owner of my life anymore, God was. In an instant, God delivered me and for me it felt like a heavy bag of potatoes was lifted from off my back.


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 This is the actual Bridge where Cáitlín met with Jesus 


That was how bad the depression was. I understood exactly what God was speaking. The fear of death left me also in an instant and I was like sweet sixteen and I began to twirl and swing around, and I felt so light. All that heaviness was gone. Within that short space in time I called out and said, “God you have taken the depression away from me, you’ve taken the fear of death so please take away my temper”.


Again in an instant, God delivered me from my temper and gave me two scriptures, “The peace that God gives me is to direct me in the decisions I make”, Colossians 3:15 and “There is neither male nor female for you all are one in Christ Jesus”, Galatians 3:25. I did not ask God for any scriptures as I surely did not know the Bible but this is the way God gave it to me and some time later I found those two scriptures in the bible I had purchased. 

In those days, the Charismatic movement was sweeping through the nations, however I knew nothing about this or even the title of ‘being born again’, nevertheless that is what took place in me on that wonderful day, down by the river. Soon after, I purchased a bible and later read all about my conversion. Over a period of approximately six months, I spent time with the Lord, and He revealed Himself to me through his word. I still loved my husband and children, but I knew the reason why I was here on earth and Gods purpose for me. I started eating the word of God and He gave me understanding.  I was absolutely fulfilled and satisfied.


After about six months of time on my own with the Lord, a lovely friend who lived locally invited me to a revival meeting in the next village, about 3 miles away. The village was called Leighlinbridge and the meeting was on a Monday night. When I arrived at this revival meeting it was crowded, overflowing with people and the love and presence of God enveloped everyone in attendance.


Shortly after that the Lord revealed to me, “It pleased God to separate me from my mother’s womb and He called me by His grace”. I got my bible and searched out what the Lord revealed to me which was, Galatians 1 verses 15, 16 and 24. God always spoke to me through his word, the scripture’s and  I got it, why I was here, my purpose - “It pleased God to separate me from my mother’s womb and He called me by His grace”. God revealed His Son in me, not any old Jesus but His Son, that I would reveal Him to the gentiles, and I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood and verse 24, and they glorified God in me. From that time in Leighlinbridge many encouraged me in the calling of a true teacher of God’s word and I was asked to go to the highways and by-ways, to community halls and convents, to farmhouses and ordinary homes, to share the love of God through his word. As I started teaching God's word, I had stepped into my calling and was revealing Christ in me, the hope of glory. From there, God's calling in my life has moved in Ireland and the Nations with this theme from Matthew 24:14, This Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world and will witness to all the nations and then the end will come. 

I am a missionary to the nations, God’s parish and have been sharing the love of Jesus Christ in India for over twenty years, Africa, the Philippines, other countries in Europe and Ireland. I love being Gods missionary, going in the back door and sharing God's word and praying for the lost, the poor, the broken-hearted, hungry, and thirsty and anyone open to hearing about Jesus and the wonderful, finished work of the Cross. God works in me powerfully, Why? Because my old man is taken by God and I am born again, having God’s nature. It is Christ in me, the hope of glory. For God is at work in me both to will and to do for His own good pleasure.  I am one hundred percent sure that it is God in me. I am on fire with the love of God and ever since that day I met The Lord God down by the river, never ever has his love ever left me. The motivating peace of God, his love, and the acknowledgement and honour of lifting Jesus Christ up from the earth is what we are all called to do. Jesus said’ “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all peoples to Myself”, John 12:32. It is God, Christ, the Holy Spirit in me and I am not ashamed to lift Jesus Christ up from the earth wherever God sends me or to whomever.  

A few years ago I said to the Lord that I would not always be in a position to travel to the Nations physically and would love Him to give me a gift that would further the kingdom of God. More recently the door is opened wide for Holy Spirit inspired teachings to go forth through Caitlin Rice Ministries, Facebook live, YouTube and other social media platforms and always through prayer, standing in the gap and ongoing intercession for the nations. However, in 2014 the Lord inspired me with “Poppies Crafts” which is a divine opportunity for me to use my God given talents and through my hands create unique gifts with lots of love. (One of my skill’s was Hairdressing and at nineteen I had my own business). I realise my hands were created for God’s glory and there is much more creativity that will come forth. Some of my beautiful products have travelled to more nations than I and are financing the Kingdom of God every week as I reach into the marketplace and promote my gift stands in restaurants, shops, farmers markets, hotels and wherever the opportunity arises. One hundred percent of all products sold goes directly into Missions all over the earth and this is furthering the Kingdom of God. Everything regarding Poppies Crafts from the beginning was based on Proverbs 31:8-9, “Open your mouth (Cáitlín) for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die”. Now, that did not mean a physical death, it meant a spiritual death. “Open your mouth, judge righteously and feed the cause of the poor and needy”. Overall, Poppies Crafts is a great blessing and fulfilment of joy in my life while making a difference in the life of ordinary people including those in need. Poppies online shop is coming soon.


Years and years ago at the beginning of my walk with God, He gave me a vision of Isaiah 56:7 “For My house shall be called a House of Prayer for All Nations”. From that, I got such revelation that this was not only for my community or nation but for the entire world, because the world is God’s parish. God opened the eyes of my understanding and moved within me His greatness and His heart for the entire world and all the people of the earth. Also, in Romans 1 verse 16, For I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation and for me as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I preach Corinthians 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God”. I know that it is not my will but God’s will be done and as one of the many member’s working in the body of Christ, I know I am fulfilling God’s will here and now and will continue to do so, whatever the task maybe. I am here for God’s will and I adore Him, and I bow before Him (I just cannot get enough of God).  He picked me up and has given me His nature and as long as I live, I say, “That shook you devil, you are not going to have the people that Jesus died and rose again for on my watch, they are coming to faith in Christ Jesus”.

Over these past few decades, I know that many, many souls have been set free and ushered into the kingdom of God through me and that means that they have truly become born again of God. Some being discipled and other have become disciples and overall this is a process of consistent training and discipleship that results in God’s supernatural multiplication. I have continued in my calling, in prayer and teaching the word of God including our Holy Spirit inspired Bible Word Studies along with training God’s people in how to pray effectively and secure Gods supernatural results through His word. Many have gone out from this section of the body of Christ to the nation’s and I know that multitudes have come to faith in Christ Jesus through what God has done in me. From now until I go home to glory, this Gospel of the Kingdom will continue to go forth through me and those God is sending to us here in this section of the body of Christ. God is raising up a mighty army all over the earth, including this section of the body of Christ and as a Joshua and Caleb together we are overcoming our giants, looking through the eyes of faith and rising up in the resurrected life and power of Jesus Christ, to deliver God’s word with truth and power as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation who will not compromise the word of God, the message of the Kingdom but will give out Jesus as he truly is. This is all about teamwork, it is the body of Christ ministry, rising up and taking back the land, the people, for the glory of God. Together, like Joshua and Caleb, “Let us go up immediately and we will overcome them”, Numbers 13:30.  

 ~ Cáitlín Rice

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