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Bishop Leonardo and Rev. Blenda Garcia S

You have shown us the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and are very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We look forward to your return.

Bishop Leonardo and 

Rev. Blenda Garcia

ACTS 1:8 Apostolic Network
The Philippines

Cait Rice brings a clear message of hope and vision; not only in Ireland, but in India, Africa and the Philippines. Cait is a solution provider in a world with so many problems .

Dr Cecil Stewart

Director CCN Europe
Northern Ireland

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Cait is a genuine woman of God who loves and puts God as her priority. She will always teach God's word scripturally and carries a prophetic anointing. We as a church are so encouraged through her Ministry. 

Pastor Jemuel M.Marak         

Founder Hope For The Nations 

 Cait Rice truly is a woman of God with love, passion and zeal to help people from every Nation in order to see them set free emotionally and spiritually and enter into their God given destiny and fulfil God’s plan and purpose for their lives.

Ellen Allison

Director KSM,
Kenya, Africa

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Caits love for God, people, gentleness, and encouragement of others has been consistently evident. I have seen her love for and commitment to prayer and God’s Word.

Dr Harvey Graham-Smith        

Living Rivers Pastoral Leadership
Northern Ireland

A woman of integrity, living and caring for lost souls. We can see the love of Christ radiating in her and the compassion she has for the children of God. Cait has truly been an example and an encouragement to us here in India for over 20 years.  


Dr. Rev. Carter

Founding Pastor, UCA Churches, Meghalaya, India

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Cait is a modern day Saint that teaches with passion and love. She is a dynamic 21st century speaker that will truly challenge you wherever you are in your walk with Christ. New or old, get ready to be Inspired by her teachings.

Kevin Evans: M.Photog IV, MFIAP

Queensland, Australia

I first met Cait in 2017 and found her to be a little dynamite. We need more of the grey hairs in this world to teach and show the meaning of Jesus. Cáitlín Rice is one of those amazing people that is not afraid to share the word of God..

Sam Childers - Machine Gun Preacher

Pennsylvania, USA

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Cait has an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and is a woman of great wisdom, understanding and encouragement in the Word of God.


Nigel & Emma Dallas

Kingdom Connection, Northern Ireland

Cait's life is dedicated, her prayers are powerful, her love for the Lord and for His people is contagious. She has blessed the Body of Christ for many years with her prayer and with her witness and is inspiring many others to seek the Lord  in this way.


Paul & Nuala O'Higgins 

Reconciliation Outreach Ministries, USA

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I have had the privilege of knowing Cait for over 20 years. During that time she has been a constant example of a faith filled women of God, committed to tirelessly and fearlessly proclaiming the truth of God’s Word. 

Tommy Stewart
Director Christians Who Lead
Northern Ireland

Cait's is a unique gift to the body of Christ and has influenced lives as she demonstrates the true meaning of church without walls. We are grateful to God for Cait's ministry and celebrate her dedication, love and exemplary commitment to God's work. 


Ps Francis Ola:

Grace Family International, Carlow, Ireland 

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God has used Cait over these past 36 years and is continuing to use her in order to bring Jesus Christ and him crucified to the people. From humble farmhouse beginnings to convents, prayer groups, fellowships, churches and ministries in Ireland, India, Africa and the Philippines.

Bob and Eileen Kilpatrick
Pastoral Co-o

Harvest Alliance - UK

She loves the Lord with a never ending passion, and desires to bring others into that love. She preaches Repentance and forgiveness with power. Prays and speaks the word unceasingly, and gives the devil a headache! 


Rev June Barron,
International Speaker, United Kingdom

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Why not Invite Ps. Cáitlín Rice to speak at Your next event, conference or online zoom meeting. Click HERE to message CRM for more information 

 All teachings, videos are copyright of CRM - feel free to share and pass on to family and friends 
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