Help Support Cáitlín Rice Ministries
We encourage you to become a CRM MONTHLY PARTNER today and from time to time you may like to support the Outreach's at Caitlin Rice Ministries as a CRM WORLD MISSION OUTREACH SUPPORTER
When you become a CRM Monthly Partner, you connect with the mission of Caitlin Rice Ministries; Revealing the Lord Jesus Christ to the Nations. Together we are sending the message of God's love, hope and healing to the Nations through our CRM YouTube Teaching channel, Family Inspiration weekly messages, Bible Word Studies, social media platforms and life changing resources. As a monthly Partner you will receive exclusive benefits. Please see our Partner page for details.
Would you like to make a world of difference in the lives of sick and dying children, orphans and widows, those who need food and water to survive? Join with us and become a CRM WORLD MISSION OUTREACH SUPPORTER and together lets give the poor and hurting the opportunity to experience God's love, life and healing through practical support and care.
Become a CRM Partner

25 €

50 €

100 €


Support the Outreaches of
Cáitlín Rice Ministries
Become a CRM World Mission Outreach Supporter and make a world of difference in someone's life today

Gospel Crusade
Your partnership enables us to host Gospel Crusades in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Philippines. We are giving men, women and children the opportunity to hear the message of Jesus Christ and God's plan of salvation for their life. With your support we can also supply Bibles and literature to all in attendance and support Local Churches and Ministries in their follow up and Discipleship Programs.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


Missionary Pastors and their families
Sponsor a local Missionary Pastor and their Family with everyday basic living costs in Africa, Asia or India. The average weekly cost for a family of 4/5 is approx. 250 euro per month. That includes every day living costs; food, shelter, clothing, medical, transport, other necessities
and children's education. No donation amount is too small.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


10/40 Window (Geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries)
Sponsor and support the training of one Missionary to evangelise the 10/40 Window, reaching some of the world's largest unreached ethnic groups. A monthly donation of 100 euro covers; food, clothing, accommodation, training material and a study Bible. A complete training year is 12 months bringing a total gift
of 1,200 euro.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


Sponsor a Child without Father or Mother on a monthly basis for 50 euro or make a yearly donation of 600 euro which includes nutritious food, clothing, shelter, basic healthcare and education.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


Sponsor a Jewish family or individual in returning to their homeland, Israel.
100 euro covers travel costs to the airport, a hot meal on arrival, new clothes to change into including a coat,
shoes, toiletries and if needed a suitcase.
A one way ticket to Israel costs approx. 6-700 euro pp.
Your gift will support families and individuals from poorer backgrounds in Europe returning to their homeland, Israel. Those whom we support are not in a financial position to make this journey. This is only made possible with your help!
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


Sick and dying children
Sponsor a child in need of a life saving operation. Help with hospital costs and medication. An overnight stay in hospital can start anywhere between 50-100 euro. An operation can cost hundreds and even thousands of euro. No matter what you give, you are partnering with others around the world who will help a child in dire poverty receive a life saving operation, literally.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


The Poor, widow and families in need
Sponsor the most vulnerable and help provide food, shelter, healthcare, education and training where possible and overall a safe environment. The basic cost for a widow and her family of 4/5 children to eat healthy fresh meals for one week, is 50 euro.
*Does not include shelter, clothes, shoes or education.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


Drill a well (lifespan of a well is 30-50 years)
Help provide clean, safe drinking water to remote village's in Africa.
The costs involved includes a survey, purchase of materials, equipment, transportation, installation of a pump, drilling and manpower. Costs usually start at 9,000 euro and depending on the soil, can quickly increase to 15,000 euro. Help a remote village in Africa have access to daily clean water. With your financial support, you are saving the lives of babies, children and adults in Africa from drinking contaminated life-threatening water.
Example - In a village of 300 people where the soil is good, the approx. cost of providing a well is 9,000 euro. The cost of giving one child access to clean water for years to come is 30 euro.
Thank you for your generous support and kindness.
25 €

50 €

100 €


If you would like to Give towards Cáitlín Rice Ministries World Missions Outreach
Please click on the Donation Links and/or consider a once off or monthly donation to the cause of your choice.
25 €

50 €

100 €


Account name: CRM
Account Number: 47376312
NSC: 906494
Branch Bagenalstown, Carlow, Ireland
IBAN: IE25BOFI90649445570576
Donations via: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover are done through PayPal link below.
Donations via: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover are done through PayPal link below.

Use our QR CODE Square below to go straight to the CRM Donation page